I know the part number.
Quick order for professionals and Kompan experts. I know the exact part number of the item I am looking for.
StartWelcome to the Kompan spare parts tool, which will help you find the right spare parts for your Kompan product.
How to use the tool:
1. Choose below appropriate category based on the existing information.
2. Select the needed spare parts.
3. As the last step within this tool you will send us your request for spare parts.
Upon reception of your request we will get in touch with you and prepare an offer for you.
Based on your approval an order will be created followed by delivery of needed spare parts.
Quick order for professionals and Kompan experts. I know the exact part number of the item I am looking for.
StartUse KOMPAN Master tool to view installation instructions which will show you the part numbers of needed spare parts. You can search by product number shown on invoice or ID do-nut placed on the structure. Alternatively you can search by category of products.
StartTake a photo of your product. Our experts will help you verify the spare parts you need.